UAE to Jordan Day 5 – 14 Feb 23 Tuesday

We woke up to an amazing sun rise and taking advantage of the rays I connect the mobile solar panel out and it laps up the amps. running the Jeep, a little we leave site with 97% and we are now feeling much more confident with the power issue even if not correctly configured.

Valentines at Elephant Rock

It is Valentine’s Day too and with the strawberries, I was gifted by one of the nice garage chaps yesterday, I make porridge and garnish with love heart strawberries and sprinkled with blueberries. Tea and coffee go down a treat as we exchange cards and Becky knows me so well by giving me love heart chocolates.

We could easily stay here a day or two. It is warm and comfortable. But we need to press on

Elephant Rock

After packing we make some lunch and soon on the road. Once again, the satnavs are arguing about direction but we decide to follow Google this time. I am not sure if this is a good thing as the route suddenly starts increasing in altitude. The scenery is magnificent but the roads become very poor and the incline very steep. Bruce digs deep and does well but careful driving is a must and the pot holes are bad and there is zero cell coverage. At one stage we are 1680m in altitude and there is no one to be seen, with an almost Martian landscape to blow your mind.

KSA Road

It takes nearly 2 hours to get over the direct route over the mountains but still saves us 2 extra hours.  Once we come down off the mountains we snake our way through a couple of villages which have a rather quaintness. 

Then we open up on a more comfortable road and treated to an amazing landscape that we both agree are amazing. The weather is still bright and bitterly cold but we are heading towards the border and Red Sea. Tonight’s stop is a road side stop, but as we get nearer we find it is the other side of the road and we decide to push on and find a new place. It is getting late and dark when we find what we call the ‘pit’. A little set back from the road it is quiet and dark, but right beside us is a large pit some 20 feet deep. Have to keep that in mind during the night when going to the toilet. It is a springboard stop to the border which we hope to be at early, so after dinner we grab an early night.